MS Statistics
This program is designed for students who wish to become practicing statisticians in business, government or industry. Students with a bachelor’s degree in engineering, the sciences, economics, business, the social sciences or any other field which uses statistics are encouraged to apply for this program in order to learn advanced statistical techniques to apply in their fields. Students with a bachelor’s degree in mathematics or statistics are welcome to apply for the program in order to advance their technical and theoretical skills and learn applications in areas of interest.
The program is characterized by "science-plus," combining rigorous study in statistics with skills-based coursework emphasize writing and communication skills. The program requires theoretical and applied coursework as well as consulting experience and practical project experience. The program was developed in concert with industry and is designed to dovetail into professional career opportunities.
Admission Requirements
- Admission to the Graduate Division:
- International students must have achieved a score of at least 80 on the TOEFL iBT exam (or an approved score on the IELTS or PTE). International students having earned a degree in the USA are not required to submit TOEFL or IELTS exam scores.
- Calculus credit through multiple integration and partial differentiation, as usually earned through 3 semesters of calculus (e.g., Math 30, 31, and 32 at 菠菜网lol正规平台), each with a grade of at least B.
- Linear Algebra (e.g., Math 39 at 菠菜网lol正规平台), with a grade of at least B.
- A calculus-based introductory course in probability and statistics (e.g., Math 161A at 菠菜网lol正规平台) with a grade of at least B.
- Letters of recommendation (2-3), submitted via Cal State Apply.
Application to graduate programs in the California State University System takes place in two stages. In the first stage, prospective students apply through Cal State Apply to the graduate division of the University (GAPE). Once this initial process is complete, the application is passed on to the department. See Graduate Admissions and Program Evaluation for more detailed information on the application procedure.
The MS Statistics program is designed for students entering in a fall semester. Most spring courses require fall courses as prerequisites. Admissions for a spring semester, when the university allows such applications, is limited to exceptional students who have already learned the material in the first fall semester courses.
Course Requirements
A total of 36 semester units (usually 12 courses) of coursework are required for this degree:
- CS 200W - Graduate Technical Writing (GWAR)
- MATH 163 - Probability Theory
- MATH 164 - Mathematical Statistics
- MATH 167R - Statistical Programming with R
- MATH 167PS - Introduction to Python Programming and SQL
- MATH 261A - Regression Theory and Methods
- Math 269: Statistical Consulting
Project requirements are to be satisfied through one of the following:
- Math 203: CAMCOS
- Math 298: Research Project
- Math 288i: Internship
- One additional elective approved by the graduate advisor and a comprehensive written exam on material from Math 163, Math 164, and Math 261A.
Elective courses in advanced statistical methods or in a content area of the student’s area of interest must be approved in advance of registration by the Statistics Graduate Advisor to bring the total number of units in the program to 36 semester units. See the electives page for more information.
Students who enter the program having already completed courses equivalent in level and content to any of those required for the degree may be allowed to substitute appropriate alternative courses upon advanced approval by the Statistics Graduate Advisor.
Notes on course requirements
- Course descriptions, expected future course offerings and other course information may be found on the Department of Mathematics and Statistics course web page.
- Further information on university requirements and programs may be found in the university catalog.
- Elective courses, in advanced statistical methods or in a content area of the student's area of interest, must be approved in advance of registration by the Statistics Advisor. No more than one elective may be an upper division undergraduate course and no more than one elective may be taken from other departments.
- Students who enter the program having already had courses equivalent in level and content to any of those required for the degree will be allowed to substitute appropriate alternative/elective courses, upon advanced approval by the Statistics Advisor.
- The student must obtain a grade of B or better in each of Math 163 and Math 164, complete at least 18 units towards the degree with at least a 3.0 grade point average, and meet all other University requirements, including GWAR, before being advanced to candidacy.
Teaching Associates
We offer teaching assistantships to qualified graduate students.
Applying for Graduation
With the aid of the Statistics Advisor, students must complete and file the Petition for Advancement to Graduate Candidacy form with Graduate Studies before the posted deadline (usually 8 months before the proposed graduation date). Students must file the application for Award of Master's degree form before the posted deadline (usually 3 months before the proposed graduation date). The forms and the precise deadlines are available from the Office of Graduate Admissions and Program Evaluations web page for current students.
It is the student's responsibility to be aware of all 菠菜网lol正规平台 policies and deadlines.
Frequently Asked Questions
You can find answers to frequently asked questions regarding the admissions process, the required coursework and other topics here.